
CSF::createWidget('rizhuti_v2_comments', array(
    'title'       => 'RI-评论展示',
    'classname'   => 'widget-comments',
    'description' => '日主题V2的小工具',
    'fields'      => array(

            'id'         => 'title',
            'type'       => 'text',
            'title'      => '标题',
            'default'    => '评论展示',
            'id'         => 'limit',
            'type'       => 'text',
            'title'      => '显示数量',
            'default'    => '4',
            'id'         => 'outer',
            'type'       => 'text',
            'title'      => '排除某用户ID',
            'default'    => '0',
if (!function_exists('rizhuti_v2_comments')) {
    function rizhuti_v2_comments($args, $instance)
        echo $args['before_widget'];
        if ( ! empty( $instance['title'] ) ) {
          echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] ) . $args['after_title'];
        // start
        $limit   = $instance['limit'];
        $outer     = isset($instance['outer']) ? $instance['outer'] : 0;
        $output = '';
        global $wpdb;
        $sql      = "SELECT DISTINCT ID, post_title, post_password, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date, comment_approved,comment_author_email, comment_type,comment_author_url, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,60) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID = $wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE user_id!='" . $outer . "' AND comment_approved = '1' AND post_password = '' ORDER BY comment_date DESC LIMIT $limit";
        $comments = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
            $output .= '<li><a href="' . get_permalink($comment->ID) . '#comment-' . $comment->comment_ID . '" title="' . $comment->post_title . __('上的评论', 'haoui') . '">';
            $output .= '<div class="inner">'.get_avatar($comment->comment_author_email).'<time><strong>' . strip_tags($comment->comment_author) . '</strong>' . ($comment->comment_date) . '</time><small>' . str_replace(' src=', ' data-src=', convert_smilies(strip_tags($comment->com_excerpt))) . '</small></div>';
            $output .= '</a></li>';
        echo '<ul>' . $output . '</ul>';
        // end
        echo $args['after_widget'];


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    width: 100%;
    display: block;
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    padding: 4px 10px;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #bbb;